The Adventurer


I have my own special blanket that I take everywhere with me. I am very strong (don’t call me miniature) because I like to take my human’s blanket off their bed and carry it around.  I can jump real high when my humans come home, but only into mommy’s arms. Don’t tell anyone, bus she’s my favourite. I am a real good backseat driver, some may call me Baby Driver.

It was time for a little extra love and life in our home. My parents are avid dog lovers but unfortunately mom has sinus problems so they opted to go for the “Non Shedding dog options”. Mom decided, without dad knowing of course, to visit Newton's parents and their humans.

Amongst all the tiny furry bodies she saw me, Newton, I sat under a leafy bush with two little button eyes peering out at her. She sat down on the grass with her legs crossed and my tiny little body emerged from the ferns. A little puffy ball with legs and a nose that looked like a pencil eraser.  As soon as she picked me up and put me on her chest, I moved towards her ears and started chewing them.


That was it. No turning back from there! Love at first bite. She took me home that day and it was one of the best decisions she has ever made, I am her furry friend and we do everything together. Including blow drying our hair, watching television, road trips, hiking and oh so much more.

I have my own special blanket that I take everywhere with me. I am very strong (don’t call me miniature) because I like to take my human’s blanket off their bed and carry it around.  I can jump real high when my humans come home, but only into mommy’s arms. Don’t tell anyone, bus she’s my favourite. I am a real good backseat driver, some may call me Baby Driver.

It was time for a little extra love and life in our home. My parents are avid dog lovers but unfortunately mom has sinus problems so they opted to go for the “Non Shedding dog options”. Mom decided, without dad knowing of course, to visit Newton's parents and their humans.

Amongst all the tiny furry bodies she saw me, Newton, I sat under a leafy bush with two little button eyes peering out at her. She sat down on the grass with her legs crossed and my tiny little body emerged from the ferns. A little puffy ball with legs and a nose that looked like a pencil eraser. As soon as she picked me up and put me on her chest, I moved towards her ears and started chewing them.


That was it. No turning back from there! Love at first bite. She took me home that day and it was one of the best decisions she has ever made, I am her furry friend and we do everything together. Including blow drying our hair, watching television, road trips, hiking and oh so much more.

The Three Musketeers


Hi. My name is , Luki, I am a miniature long haired dachshund with a zest for life.

I am 14 weeks old here, on the day of my first photoshoot, where I was super distracted with the outside world other than our backyard. Exploring is one of my all-time favourite things to do, maybe because I am still getting use to this amazing world.



I relish in all kind of love and attention and get super excited when family and friend's come to visit, because I know they come to see me. Once I have charmed them with my cuteness, I run around so that they chase me and every now and again when they just think I am being adorable...a piece of chicken makes it's appearance. Mwwwwwahahahaha (evil laugh) what I wouldn't do for chicken.


Dachshund's are known for being intelligent and helpful, we know our humans need a help to tie their shoelaces or dig a hole. We have our own ideas about what the rules are when it comes to playtime-and those rules may not be the same as our humans. We are also known for being lively, and courageous to the point of rashness, persevering in above and below ground work, with all our senses well-developed.

My mom says I am a whole lot of personality cramped into one tiny body. Yep, that sounds about right to me and a whole lot of curious too, I sometimes spy on my parents to see what they interesting thing they are working on.


When I started living with my parents dad use to tuck me in, and he kind of started a thing. When I don't get tucked in now I won't make them forget it. Oh and don't forget about my bully stick, I carry it around everywhere I go.sounds about right to me and a whole lot of curiosity too, I sometimes spy on my parents to see what interesting thing they are working on next, they always seem busy with something.


My parents have been longing to get a dog for some time now and the moment they met me; the goofy, playful, attention-seeking, loving me, that moment they fell in love with the idea of me becoming a part of their family. I cannot wait to see where this adventure takes us... the three musketeers.



Hello. My name is Mobialis Africanus Capensis, but everyone calls me Mobi. I am 8 years old and am the only dog in the family. I have a parrot-brother and two bunny-brothers.

Mom calls me Super Dog. She says that every time she is down, I pick her up. I don’t know what that means, but she sure loves it when I smile. I really like eating. Most of all, I like eating things I shouldn’t. That has twice now, made me very sick. Last time I spent 5 days in the hospital. It was terrible. 



I love sleeping in the sun and going for walks in the forest. I have loads of human and doggo friends and every Sunday we go and hang out with a bunch of them. Mom calls it “Running Club”. I call it “Best Buddy Party!” The humans even gave me a prize for Hash Hound of the Year 2017.

Mom says I adopted Sebastian (my one bunny-brother) - you can read about them under RABBITS. I do take my big brother duties very seriously and protect my mom and my brothers by never leaving their sides while they are outside.

Mom says that we all chose her. She says that she was busy adopting a little pupper, but before she could bring her home, the pupper passed over the rainbow bridge.

Mom was distraught but immediately started looking for another pupper to adopt. That’s when she found me. I used to go to work with her every day. Mom’s office buddy was a scientist. That’s why I have such a scientific name!

PS: Charli will tell you that he is in charge, but don’t believe a word that bird tells you. I am the big brother. I am in charge.

Affection Itself


I am a Staffordshire bull terrier standing proud at a mere 3 years and 8 months of age. I know right I don't look a day older than 1.

A fun fact about us is that we are known for our character of fearlessness and loyalty. This, coupled with our affection for our friends, our off-duty quietness and trustworthy stability, make us a foremost all-purpose dog.

Back to me, I like going for walks, playing with a frisbee, taking Sunday drives with my parents, giving them all the kisses I possibly have to give, taking over their bed at night (it is actually known to be a trait that dogs have if they are including humans in their pack, but shhhh don't tell them) and don't forget the treats that mommy gives me, these by far are my absolute favourite.

My daddy taught me from a young age to give my paw when they asked for it and as I grew older I learnt to give both paws, obviously not at the same time, but working on that.

My daddy grew up with Staffordshire Bull Terriers and wanted to add onto our family. They took a trip to Piketberg on the 02nd of February 2013 to go and pick out the one they wanted. When my mommy walked in, the lazy one caught her eye immediately and she told my daddy that this is the one not knowing that as I grow and get older I would be a bundle of energy and not lazy at all.

They fetched me at 7 weeks and when my mommy saw me it was love at first sight. The love and kindness they get from me they say; is absolutely amazing and they could not have asked for a better fur child to join their family. My best friend in the whole wide world is a cat my mommy rescued. I don’t think that there are a lot of dogs out there that can say their best friend is a cat. 


According to my parents my charm and stunning personality makes them love me even more. I might be a fearless warrior on my own but together with them I certainly feel completed and will always be an excellent companion in our home.

As Brave As A Lion


I , Mila am a Bull Terrier and my brother, Buksie, he is a cross breed between a Jack Russel and a sausage dog... I know :)

According to our parents my sister and I are the love of their lives. We may sometimes give them a bit of challenges, but despite that they love spending time with us and spoiling us.

I, Mila am a year and 3 months old. I absolutely love my tail. I will chase my tail for hours, so it doesn't take much to entertain me. I absolutely love being close to humans, sitting or lying on them.

According to my parents I am super special. I have a head shaped like an egg and triangle eyes. The all-white Bull Terrier is actually known as to be part of the royal blood line. We were bred to fight, but in the early 1800's we were used to protect the royal family's children. We are known to have a larger-than-life personality that ranges from intelligent and innovative — not always the most desirable qualities in a dog — to placid and loyal. So with that said I am actually not aggressive at all, I have the instinct to protect my family.

It is also known in our breed to have OCD. Mine is chasing my tail of course and then walking underneath bushes or anything that can tickle that hard to reach places. I am facinated with babies and my best friend in the whole wide world is an autistic boy, my parents neighbour, that comes to play with me every day. 

My parents knew from the start I had to be given a loving home. I was the only all- white puppy between my brothers and sisters. The reason why they chose me was because I was the bravest out of all my brothers and sisters, when I saw them I cam running towards them and barking. Well I was only greeting them. They brought me home all the way from the Northern Cape, South Africa and knew that I had to be given sun block every day. So special I know.

I know I might not be every person's cup of tea, but I surely am my parents. With all their love and endless patience they have grown to think I am the best dog in the world, despite my brother of course.


I, Buksie am a full 10 months old and a real heart braker, according to my mommy. My mom bought me for next to nothing from the street. She says I stole her heart immediately.


According to my parents I am Mr personality. They say I am super smart, can find anything with my trusty nose, as tough as leather and as brave as a lion. All of these are traits from the two blood lines I come from.


As smart and energetic as a Jack Russel just in the shape of a Sausage dog with a tail almost as long as my body.

It is known that Jack Russels (also know as a Parson Russel Terrier) cannot be taught to be a dog, we think we are human and will act accordingly. Regardless of training, it is in our nature to hunt. We will chew, dig and bark, rocket through the house multiple times daily, chase cats and other small animals with glee and murderous intent, and will always find the loophole in any command you give us.


Back to me, Buksie. I don't sleep a lot according to my parents, I like staying busy with anything. I love chewing anything I can get my paws on. My most favourite feeling in the world is a sense of freedom, so if I can run, I am happy. But when you want to stop me in my tracks and steal my heart, just offer me some peanut butter. I also love sitting on my parents lap or playing at the beach.

The Superhero


I am a Golden Retriever / Labrador and 6 years old, but in my mind I am still a puppy.

The thing I love the most in this world is my family (well that is what they think at least). My favourite treats are biltong and playing with a rope. I wake my family up when they want to sleep with a rope like I use to do when I was a puppy (remember I still am).

It is a known fact that dogs provide stability and emotional support. Golden Retrievers are known to be the 4th smartest dogs on the planet. We will give our undivided attention to ur owners. Our eagerness to please and bond closely with our owners make us wonderful to be around.

According to my humans I am unique because I think and act like I am a human. I am a great protector as I never leave my families side, they call me Valcro. 

And with great power comes great responsibility, I have super powers when it comes to hearing and speed. When the biltong tupperware lid pops, I can wake up from the deepest sleep and be in the kitchen within seconds.

My parents picked me to be a part of their family because Golden Retrievers are known to be a good choice for my one human, Sharni. She is special like me, we share an indescribable bond that no one can ever break.


My parents chose me to be a part of their family because of my birth mark on my paw, so that they can recognize me out of the litter when it was time to take me home. My parents gave me this incredible name while being on their family trip in Thailand, a mom came running after her daughter screaming the name. Long did they know they would be the ones running after me. 

The Pups That Pose


We are long-haired miniature dachshunds and Blu is at a dashing age of almost 2 while Loki, being the older brother is 2 and a half years old.

There is one thing very amazing about us as well, so for those of you who are on instagram, our dad decided to make it his personal project of creating our own page. Go give us a follow @LokiandBlu.

I, Blu, am a very uncommon colour for my breed, so my parents decided to call me Blu due to my colour when I was born. I love long walks on the beachfront, biltong treats and neck tickles. My favourite thing to do when my parents play with me is to tell them how awesome they are... so I talk to them, even though I know they don't understand me, I sometimes feel like they do.

I, Loki, have a very unusual long tail. I love taking naps especially passing out in the sun spots in the house. Dinner time is one of my favourite times of the day and cuddling with my parents are the absolute best.

Our dad grew up with short-haired dachshunds and our mom wanted a fluffy dog (having previously had a maltese doggy), so they settled on long-haired dachshunds and ended up getting me,Loki.

After I arrived, I was the most loving and chilled dog, but loved playing with other dogs and was quite lonely on my own at home. That's when my parents decided to get Blu, who ended up also being very loving, but far from chilled! I like to think that he didn't learn that from me. He clearly saw that some excitement needed to be brought into this home.

Obsessed With Toys


My name is Levi. I am a Jack Russel Terrier and at the wonderful young age of 6, I still feel like an energetic little ball of fur.

Like all Jack Russels I have an obsession with toys. Especially when mommy wants to throw a ball to me, I simply lose track of time and that can keep me going for hours at a time. I love lemons for some reason as well, maybe because it is shaped like a ball :)

I am actually deep down inside a human in an animal's body. I spend more time on 2 legs than four. I will always help out in the house moving things around... when my humans want to make a fire... I will carry in wood for them.

I was brought home by my wonderful mommy when she was dating a guy who told her she can have any puppy from their dog's litter. My mom chose me because she picked out my name before she saw me...and when she did. She felt like the name suited my charming looks.

That relationship between my mommy and her boyfriend didn't last. But l took his place and became the prince of my mommy's heart.

Living Like Royalty


My name is Yogi, the little Pekingese. I may be a crossbreed, but my mommy isn't really sure. I am almost 2 years old and my birthday is on September the 28th, ooooh that is soon :)

I used to live in a pet shop as a pup and they didn't really take care of me. My mom chose me to be a part of her family, because when she saw me she fell in love with me.

The thing I love in this world more than my mommy is going for a walk in the park or even just down the street, if my mom says the word or touches my leash I go crazy and see how much she wants to take me by running around and showing off in the house.

I love doing tricks and my all time favourite one is when my mom pretends like she is shooting me. Then I fall to the ground, lie on my back and play dead. I absolutely love snacks any time of the day. The best part is when I do a trick I get a treat.

I believe that every dog should be treated like a king. We are companions for our humans. We give is love and affection and never expect anything in return.

After my terrible experience as a puppy I am now treated like royalty in my forever home.

Bestest Friends


A Cocker Sheltie is a mix between the Cocker Spaniel and the Shetland Sheepdog. It is considered a designer breed because two registered pure breeds were bred to create the Cocker Sheltie. 

While they are first recognized by their stunning appearance, Irish setters are equally well known for their "rollicking" attitude. These are the clownish rogues of the dog world: lively, intelligent and with a great sense of mischief.

I (Knoffel) am a Sheepdog crossbred with a Cocker Spaniel. I am 6 years old and love playing fetch. If you start I promise I won't get easily tired because that can keep me busy for hours.

I love barking and being paranoid, always on the lookout for something that is about to happen. I may be paranoid but I am super cute when I look worried. According to my parents I am highly intelligent and sometimes I can even read what their minds.

My parents found me on Gumtree and they thought I sounded like the perfect little puppy... until they got my sister... Ralphie.

3 Months after my parents received Knoffel they decided to import me all the way from Durban, because my mommy always wanted an Irish Setter known for their stunning personalities.


I (Ralphie) am a Irish Setter and like my brother I am also 6 years old. When my parents have guests over I always think they have come to visit me, so then it is my turn to show off my teletubbie toy. I love putting my face in people's faces and showing them I care.

I have survived cat disease, mange and an eye operation. My parents call me a miracle.

Now Knoffel and I spend every day close together and as close as possible to our parents. They are our everything. When they have guests over we like to show off and let them know we are around even if we just put our head on their lap or ask nicely with big puppy dog eyes if we can climb on their lap.

They often take us on little adventures or just for a drive, either way we love our lives and our humans.