Joire De Vivre


Hello. My name is , Zanzi, short for Zanzibar. I am a friesian boerperd cross. I am 15.1 hands high and know I part of the gorgeous friesian family.

Mom is not too sure how old I am. But she thinks I am between 6 and 7 years old. Sometimes I like to act like a fowl again, don't you remember those days where everything you did was simply cute. I have my teenager days, as mom calls it, and then I love acting like a rebel, but on other days it’s so easy to see how I am maturing into a really exceptional, level headed mare. 


I am a proper madam. I love being made a fuss of, I love triple x peppermints and will nag for mints. I love going for out rides and love to go for gallops and be able to stretch my legs. Mom says I can also be super to work with because I enjoy dressage and jumping lessons. I definitely feel a sense of achievement when I nail a jump. There’s a video mom has of me where you can see the uncertainty in my face as I am going towards a jump and then I prick my ears in excitement when I clear it.


I love water and when I get a chance to play in a dam I love splashing the water with my front legs and nose. According to mom I have changed so much from the moody nag in the riding school and just has such a "joire de vivre". Oh and one thing I love doing when mom isn't looking, is borrow her phone out my pocket, she says steal I say borrow.

Friesian carried both Friesian and German knights during the crusades. That brought it into contact with Eastern horses which lightened the breed. It was further improved with Andalucian and Barb influences while Friesland was under Spanish control in the 16th and 17th Centuries.


According to mom there is so many reasons why I am unique, but my capacity for adapting is amazing. I have become so well adjusted in just a year of being with one owner. I however am a great emotional supporter for mom who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. 


During the lessons with me, we have worked so well as a team and I felt such a connection with her. There was one day after some upsetting news where I walked up to mom in the paddock and let her put her arms around my neck and that’s when I made the decision to be a part of her family. 

aka THE BOSS of the family


Hi. Hello. Goeie dag. Molo. Guten Tag. My name is Charli. I am four years old. I am a Meyers parrot.

Mom says I have the biggest mouth in the family, even though I don’t say much. This fluff ball mom has in her arms' story will be up in a few days.

I love flying around the lounge, eating nuts, exploring all the spots where I am not allowed, chewing, eating, whistling, dancing, playing with my toys, chasing Mobi’s tail (his my other brother from another mother - you will see his story up in a few days) and giving Mom kisses. I am a super watch-parrot.

We are known to have the motto, “I go with the flow.” We are social birds and tend to bond with everyone in the family, unlike other species that may prefer one human to another. We aren't known as a cuddle-bug, we are affectionate and love being handled and scratched on the head and neck.

You should hear me raise the alarm when there is a cat in the garden. I am really, really good at that. I hate Mom’s toes and will try and bite them whenever I get the chance. Mobi will say that he is in charge, but it really is me. I can make Mom run at the speed of light.

I hate showers. Hate them. Mom had two birdies before I came to stay. When her boy Pesto passed over the rainbow bridge, Dudley, the other birdie, became very depressed. The doctor vet told mom to get Dudley a friend.

Mom came to visit my first house one day. My brothers and sister were very rude to her. My brother even bit her! I liked her from the beginning and when she came back the next week, I climbed on her shoulder and started nibbling on her ear and her eyebrow. That’s how I chose her.

Mom loves birds and always says that Emily Dickinson told her:

“Hope” is the thing with feathers

That perches in the soul

And sings the tune without the words

And never stops -at all-

And sweetest – in the Gale- is heard-

And sore must be the storm

That could abash the little Bird

That kept so many warm

I've heard it in the chilliest land

And on the strangest Sea-

Yet – never – in Extremity,

It asked a crumb – of me.

The War Horse


I, Rey, am a friesian and will be turning 7 in October. I am from a very special breed, that use to carry nobleman and pull carriages in the past.

It is believed that in the Middle ages we were in great demand as war horses throughout Europe. We were known to be graceful and nimble for our size and could carry a knight in armour. Alexander the Great also had a friesian to give you a better idea of how high we ranked.

I love food, much like my mommy and I am especially fond of nice green apples. I love it when my mom scratches me on my bum or belly, I actually pull funny faces when she does that. I also love out rides and feel like a foal again and act a bit like a hooligan. My mom loves spending time with me and when I can push her around is when she is taking life too seriously. She says I am super special to her.


When my mom first saw me, she thought I was such a stunner. My previous owner took me to the vet and when my mom saw me standing in the paddock, she felt a special indescribable connection from the start.

From the moment she saw me, she just had to have me. So she started bothering the vet and my previous owner till they decided to her to take me home.

According to her this was by far the best decision of her life. She says you cant really explain what you feel, but its just a total belonging and "meant to be feeling". She had dreams about me non-stop until the day I was in her care at home. According to her I have grown so much in the 3 and half years that she has been a part of my life and I have helped her grow so much, always teaching her something new about herself and something about myself every day.

We've been on a couple of adventures together at different stable yards, but I am so happy where I am living currently, and settled in from day one. I always seem to know exactly how to act depending on which mood my mom is in, and she is able to tell exactly which mood I am in as well.

I cant imagine my life without her. She says I am her soulmate and she felt that from the day she initially saw me standing in the paddock.