The Ninja Space Brothers


We are rabbits - duh, but because we say this is because I, Apollo am part jersey woolly and part puppy. I, Sputnik am known of being the naughty bunny, so see what we meant?

I, Apollo am a hopping 5 years old and I never let my brother forget it. I love food and climbing on things. I often climb on the couch or inside the wardrobes and deep down I think I was born to be a ninja and I steal food without her knowing :) I know exactly where mom hides all those delicious treats.

I have different colour eyes, mom calls me bowie-bun. She used to go to class in university and I would go with. So technically I am also qualified. Sometimes class would get boring and I would go visit the neighbours' house on my own. On weekends I creep into bed to snuggle and insist on sharing the pillow with mom.

Mom says she instantly fell in love with us, aaaah mom. I, Apollo as mom tells the story was a little buried fluff ball under his litter mates, too small really to walk, but I have been with her even before I could hop, but I have stuck by her side through studies to moving cities. Mom says I have really changed her life in that way. 

I, Sputnik pretend like I am the eldest, but I am actually just 2 years old, or that is what mom thinks. Age is relative, right?


Chewing is my favourite activity in the whole world, not eating chewing. I have showed mom a little of my super power when I chewed a bit on her carpet, i sculpted the table a bit, chewed on a door, a computer, a book... name it I have tried it.


I get super excited when mom brings food home, I growl, bark and honk when she walks in the door, that she knows there can be no surprises. I like surprising mom sometimes at night and try to sculpt her bed, but I have to creep otherwise mom will stop me... so I also consider myself as a ninja. Think that is why Apollo and I are such good brothers, we are the ninja brothers :)

I, Sputnik came to mom after being rescued from running on the streets. Nervous and unsocialised, I immediately fell in love with Apollo, but it took me a while to get used to mom. The second mom agreed to foster me, she knew she could never rehome me; she could see glimpses of a little funny personality which have since come out.

According to mom we make her heart happy. 

Funky Floofs


Nice to meet you. Our names are Jumbo; I am 5 years old and Dumbo, I am 3 and we are both Abyssinian guinea pigs, known for our funky hair. We both love eating...alot.



I, Jumbo was the first to be adopted in this incredible family to befriend the first guinea pig addition to this family called bunny. Yes I know right confusing considering we have two siblings who actually are bunnies. Then unfortunately an abscess that went wrong took the life of dear bunny, my mom says it was the saddest day in her life.

My mom decided to get a friend for me immediately, she walked into Pet World and they only had one other Abyssinian breed guinea pig left. And then whallllaaa... I Dumbo joined our family.

A few fun facts about us is that we were first domesticated in South America 7000 years ago - around the year 5000 B.C. We are born well-developed. We can run at 3 hours old, and can live on our own at 3-5 days old. We are good at navigational or location skills. We also have great memories and can remember a path through a complicated maze to reach food for several months. Again enhancing the fact that we really love to eat.


According to our mom we are her little kids and very smart as well. We all including our other hopping siblings have our own way of telling her when we want something like food, cuddles, attention or just want to play. We think we have really shown mom the meaning of genuine love.She says we are her world and her world revolves around us...her 4 floofs.

The Perfect Duo


Mobi (our dog brother) and Charli (parrot brother) might think that they are in charge, but just give me a couple of months and I will show you who is really in charge. Ginger Ninja for President!

Hello. My name is Sebastian. I am a Jersey Wooly bunny. I don’t know how old I am. Mom thinks I am going on two years old or so, but she can’t be sure cause I was found living in a park. 

I love dried apple – Mom makes them especially for me. I also like carrots, blueberries and oats. Mom doesn’t give me lots of these treats. She says too much is bad for me. You know sugar is a drug. My favourite green stuff is fennel. I really, really love head rubs. This wasn’t always the case.

When I first came to stay, I was ANGRY! I used to bite Mom all the time. I think Mom was really worried about me. People kept asking her if she wants to give me back to the shelter, but she wouldn’t give up on me.

She eventually got me a baby brother and I calmed right down. I had a purpose, and a Ginger Ninja to chase - bwahahaha! Seriously though, I love my baby brother. I came to stay with Mom cause she volunteers at the rescue organisation where I was. She brought me home for the weekend. Mobi, that silly dog, loved me from the moment I arrived.


By the Saturday afternoon, we were sleeping together on the couch. Mom can’t say no to Mobi (my other brother who will be sharing his story tomorrow) and Mobi wanted me as his brother. I was adopted on Mandela Day. Mom calls me a foster fail.

I don’t really care who is in charge, as long as I get my treats and head rubs, I am happy.

Whazzzz uuuup! My name is Flynn aka Ginger Ninja. I am about 6 months old and if you haven’t figured it out yet, a bunny.

I love to eat. Anything and everything. Get in ma belly! Mom says I am a teenager – All I do is eat and mope around, only to suddenly break into the zoomies, followed by joyful binkies all over the place. She calls it “The Mood Swings”. I also quite like doing the dead bunny flop and rolling onto my side, or lying with my legs stretched out behind me.

My absolute favourite thing to do is to run around in the garden. My second absolute favourite thing to do is chew. My third absolutist favourite thing to do is to sleep. Or maybe that is my first favourite thing? I am slowly letting Mom make friends with me. You know, you can’t give them too much attention, then they just want more and more.

How did I end up in this loony bin of a house (have you met the parrot?) My older bro, Sebs, was not a nice boon. He used to bite Mom all the time. People told her to try and get him a brother or sister. I was found next to the road, fending for myself. I was only 4 weeks old and the lady who found me thought that Mom would be a good person for me to go and stay with.

Sebs and I met and well, apparently I melted his iron heart. We were family from the moment we met. Mom says I completely live up to my name. Flynn means to act quickly and impetuously – to seize an opportunity. And Ginger Ninja cause I stealthily not only stole her heart, but also Seb’s.

Puzzle Pieces


Bailey am a New Zealand breed and I am a hopping 2 years old. I, Patches am a Netherlands breed and 5 years old (well that is estimated by the vet)...then we have two other brothers, but their story will be up tomorrow.

Let's get back to us; I Bailey, being a New Zealand breed, are known to be very large muscular and have a beautiful coat. Then I Patches, being a Netherlands breed are known to have disproportionately large eyes with respect to our body, and our ears are small and carried high on our head. A very interesting fact if you didn't know this is that a bunnies' teeth never stop growing.

Our favourite thing in the world is eating. Nothing excites us more. I, Bailey am a big smoocher, I love giving kisses and Patches rubs his chin against everything to mark his territory, the funny floof. He even owns the pot plant apparently.

So how did we end up with our mommy; our mom walked into Pet World the one day buying food for our other two crazy brothers and there I was, beautiful Bailey. I tried to get her attention every time she walked pass the translucent box I was in. I looked into her eyes and I think my jedi-mind trick helped...she took me home that day and I have been a part of her family ever since.

I, Patches was recommended by my mommy's sister. She works at Happy Tails and every time my mommy came to visit, I think she had a crush on me from the start. Every time she walked in, she said one day she will take me home. And looked what happened, she adopted me and I am now a proud husbun to dearest Bailey.


I, Bailey am a little princess according to my mom, with a lot of attitude. At night I just love to lie on my mom's face, don't know why... 


I, Patches am as cool a s a cucumber according to my mom. Bed time when Bailey is almost suffocating our mom, I just love lying at her feet. I think I am a little heater when I sleep that is why I don't get kicked off the bed.cucumber. 


We follow our mommy everywhere she goes, she really can't escape our love and cuddles. We love watching series and movies with our mommy on the couch or do we like the snuggling part more? We complete our mom's puzzle, that's her words.

The Tripod


We are all dwarf rabbits weighing only a kilogram each. I, Ein, am a Netherland Dwarf and Aru a Jersey Wooly and we are both 2 and a half years old. Our other brother Lenin is a dwarf Angora and because I am a rescue rabbit my parents think I am 2 years old, but they can only guess.

Our all time favourite treats are definitely raisins and bananas. We don't really know which one we like more.

I, Aru, am a kind and gentle soul, but so playful. My fur changes colour all the time between cream, grey and brown. When given a raisin held between mommy's fingers, I'll gently try to take it without using my teeth to cause harm.


I, Lenin, was found on the side of the road, and has since landed with my bum in the butter, falling hopelessly in love with Ein, while finding a long lost brother in Aru. I am an absolute clown, and will fall asleep to the point where I fall over. I have learned to lick my mommy's hands to get treat, but sometimes I get confused and lick everywhere else thinking there are treats.

I , Ein, am the only girl and super grumpy unless there are treats involved. I will let you know with a loud foot stamp if I don't approve of something. I only have eyes for my two boyfriends and will groom them endlessly. According to my mommy I am also the smartest, as I am the only one who knows how to open the treat jar.

We've all learned to stand on our hind legs for treats as well as taking them gently from our mommy's mouth. When our mommy wiggles her nose at us quickly, we'll match her and wiggle ours back. 


Aru was given to our mommy as a birthday present from close friends. She read that bunnies are happier with a bonded mate, so while looking for a suitable friend, she fell in love with a photo of Ein. Another friend of our mommy found Lenin, and wanted him to go to a home where she can see him occasionally. After an unsuccessful attempt with two other girls, it was an instant match with my two. It's not often that a trio of bonded buns work so well, but I'm glad it did for us. We play, groom and nap together near constantly.